What is an Ecological Clerk of Works?
An Ecological Clerk of Works is an integral role for construction sites where ecological receptors will be impacted by a proposed construction or development. The appointment of an ecological clerk of works is often required to be appointed owing to a planning condition being imposed as part of the planning approval process. The appointment of an ecological clerk of works will assist with discharging the planning condition. Planning consultants will be able to assist with the planning process and understand whether the nature of the planning application will require the appointment of an ecological clerk of works.
The role of the ecological clerk of works is to monitor the works and ensure the construction is undertaken without contravening wildlife regulations/law, that the works adhere to the planning consent, and that the ecological items included in the principal contractors methodology and documentation are adhered to. The ecological clerk of works will help to resolve any ecological issues identified on site and help to provide a solution which will not give rise to criticism.
The typical issues that an ecological clerk of works will likely assist with resolving and enforcing will relate to pollution, water management, protected species, noise, and air quality.