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What is a Phase 1 Habitat Survey?


The intention of a Phase 1 Habitat Survey is to identify and map the wildlife habitats located on a specific site and the surrounding area. The Phase 1 Habitat Survey will provide an accurate overview of the environmental and ecological importance of the site and will scrutinise specific significant habitat features in more detail. The intention of the Phase 1 Habitat Survey is to provide a baseline of the ecological value of the site in order to assess the impact of a proposed development before it progresses. Off the back of producing a Phase 1 Habitat Survey report, recommendations for further investigation and surveys will be provided to assess specific elements in more detail. 

A Phase 1 Habitat Survey is sometimes also called a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal. The guidance which needs to be followed when undertaking a Phase 1 Habitat Survey has been produced by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and specifically relates to the landscape, flora and fauna present. As part of the Phase 1 Habitat Survey a map will be produced which colour codes the various habitats located within and surrounding the site, with target notes which sets out additional details. Sometimes an extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey is undertaken which goes above and beyond the level of information which is set out within the JNCC guidance. 

Preferably a Phase 1 Habitat Survey should be the first survey undertaken as this will enable a full assessment and determination of the existing habitats and protected species. This will then enable the instruction of specific surveys to understand the extent of the protected species. Ideally, a Phase 1 Habitat Survey should be undertaken between April and October as the majority of species will be more easily identified during these seasons. For smaller, less ecologically important sites a Phase 1 Habitat Survey may not be suitable, although the same principles can be followed. A Phase 2 Survey can be completed following on from the Phase 1 Habitat Survey and this will look at the protected species and/or comprise a detailed vegetation survey. 

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What is included in a Phase 1 Habitat Survey?


As previously advised, there is a standard approach to completing a Phase 1 Habitat Survey as set out by the JNCC. The report uses certain symbols, colours and notes to plot certain habitats, features and boundaries of a site. This will specifically highlight any features that need to be preserved and/or locations of protected species. This Phase 1 Habitat Survey map will also highlight locations of rare plant species, animal species and ancient hedgerows. 

The first stage of a Phase 1 Habitat Survey is to complete a site inspection. This will be undertaken by an environmental consultant who has the experience and qualifications to complete this to the desired standard. Following the site inspection, the environmental consultant will produce the Phase 1 Habitat Survey map with the various colour coding and notation as outlined above. 

Following this, an ecological assessment report will be produced which will be inclusive of recommendations for further inspections and.or surveys required to provide an extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey. The additional surveys are often protected species surveys which may assess the extent of species such as birds, bats, dormice etc. Additional surveys may not always be required and will be subject to the findings from the initial site survey.

Sometimes there may be a requirement for a Phase 2 Habitat Survey which will assess the level and species of vegetation present on the site. This is undertaken utilising the National Vegetation Classification. Again, the requirement of this site will be subject to site conditions etc. and is not always required.

Why do I need a Phase 1 Habitat Survey?


More often than not a Phase 1 Habitat Survey will be required for any development which needs to obtain planning consent. A Phase 1 Habitat Survey is typically valid for two years. The Phase 1 Habitat Survey will also likely contribute to obtaining credits to contribute to an environmental assessment such as BREEAM. 

By undertaking a Phase 1 Habitat Survey at an early stage of a project it enables the project team and client to understand the site constraints and associated implications which may make a scheme unfeasible or more expensive.


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